Skype for iPhone looks much improved

Kudos to Skype for adding new settings in their latest iPhone app that should address some of my earlier complaints. It looks like the app can be set to sign out of Skype immediately or after a delay when it is put in the background. This means the power drain should go away.

Of course, . . . → Read More: Skype for iPhone looks much improved

Steve Jobs was right: Multitasking on phones stinks (and Skype is a terrible offender)

Apple was late to the multitasking party with the iPhone. The reason Steve Jobs kept giving is that multitasking allows apps to run in the background and drain the battery and that nobody really has come up with a good way to fix that. For iOS 4, Apple defined a strict set of criteria for . . . → Read More: Steve Jobs was right: Multitasking on phones stinks (and Skype is a terrible offender)

More iPhone 3GS impressions

Orig: 8/18/2009

I’m really enjoying my new iPhone 3GS, particularly because of its large capacity and speed. I can fit my entire music collection on it and a bunch of apps and still have space left. The speed is really evident when launching AIM and many other apps that are slow to start. Also, the . . . → Read More: More iPhone 3GS impressions

New iPhone 3GS

Orig: 8/12/2009

I just got a new iPhone 3GS after having an original (2G) iPhone for about 2 years. While there wasn’t anything wrong with the old iPhone, I longed for the speed of the new one, as well as a few of the new features.